St Benedict's Catholic High School OLM 86 of 88

Every student is seen as an individual.

As a school we know the importance of providing quality first universal teaching in all of our classrooms. We are also aware there are times when additional support at a targeted level and a higher level may be needed by individuals. As a department we liaise with staff to ensure that we are aware of individual needs and how these can be supported effectively within the classroom and outside. We provide professional guidance, assistance and support for pupils.

The department is led by the SENDCO - Mrs Whitlock and SEND Manager – Mrs Bannister who is supported by a professional team of Teaching Assistants with specialised areas of expertise.

All students access the curriculum in mainstream classrooms and our custom built RISE Centre is the hub of our department. It has many uses and areas to aid us in supporting and developing pupils' learning and independence through targeted interventions: One to One Teaching Rooms, Small Group Teaching Areas, a Relaxation Room, a Physiotherapy Room, Computer Work Area and a Nurture Area.

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