

At St Benedict’s, the chapel, with Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament is at the heart of our school. Prayer and liturgy form an integral part of school life, through collective worship and form prayers. Important events, such as Christmas and Easter and Holy Days of Obligation in the Church’s liturgical year, will be celebrated by the whole school community. There are opportunities for reconciliation in school.

Prayer is at the core of our life here in school. Pupils have the opportunity to pray in form time, assemblies and regular chapel visits. Students have the opportunity to visit places of worship in other religions and to go on residential retreats in Year 8, Year 10 and in the Sixth Form.

Chaplaincy Team

Rev. Fr. Damian Nwankwo – School Chaplain

The Chaplaincy Team seeks to facilitate the spiritual life and journey of each student. Y11 students have the opportunity to serve our school as Eucharistic Ministers and helping the chaplaincy team.

Our Christianity underpins everything.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a programme of activities designed by individual students and carried out in their free time. In our Sixth Form we offer the Gold Award, which includes a physical and skills section, volunteering and an expedition, and additionally at Gold level, a residential.

We provide training for the expedition and give guidance on suitable activities. Interested students meet regularly to plan and train for the expedition which takes place in the summer term.


Annual Poetry Anthology